Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Machining "CUSTOM" Parts (a video view)

Being a DIY'er and a general handyman type guy, one aspect of "CUSTOM" made parts has always escaped me.  And that's the "MACHINING" side of custom parts.  Sure, like most of you, I've seen videos of CNC and Lathe/Mill machining but I've never had the opportunity to see it for myself nor did i really know how long the process took.  Since meeting Doug Noble or DYOTAT100 over on the TAG Forum, that's all changed.

Doug's been into airgunning for some years and machining parts even longer.  But he recently joined the TAG Forum and started showing many of us some of his ideas on increasing the performance of the AirForce line of guns.  Especially when it came to making all out power and even improving on some of the other various basic parts of the gun.  But what stood out was his valve work and machining skills.  He had some really great ideas and also the tools to make those ideas happen.  I then got the idea from another source to turn my half Talon, half Condor into a super small bore.  When i saw the Jack Haley 257 and it's performance numbers, I knew I had to have a 257 cal gun and what better than the Air Force gun that I had right downstairs in my garage.  After contacting Doug via PM's, we decided to meet up and discuss my idea's for what I wanted as well as other "GUY TALK".

After our initial meeting and me dropping my gun off to Doug, I asked him if I could video the progress of my guns transformation and he gladly agreed and said, "ANYTIME" I was welcomed to come over and film whatever I wanted.  I was very extactic that he so graciously agreed.  And I've been filming every since.

Here are some pics along with a brief description of all the NEW parts fresh off the lathe:
Valve Body with Valve Stem

 Return Spring Retainer

3 Port Valve Stem

Assorted Parts

Valve Body and Valve Stem

Valve Stem Retainer/Guide

Hatsan Air Stripper

Long story short, here is a video that i put together that's roughly 10 minutes long.  And that's as quick as i could make it before it literally "BORED" you all to death.  Its Doug making his full custom 257 cal Valve Body and Valve assembly for my 257 TalonDor.

The Finished Assembly with Bottle:
53 Ci bottle with completed valve assembly, pressure gauge, fill nipple and WokGuard15

The bottle is currently being painted.




  1. For a mechanical engineer working in design of amusement park rides....Thanks a lot.

    Solidworks 2012

  2. Thanks for posting this. It’s been years since you posted the article but great information to assist with my own mods. ��
